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Storing Magazines, Comics, Sports Programmes, Postcards and Books

Select Storing magazines, comics, sports programmes, postcards and books Storing magazines, comics, sports programmes, postcards and books

Mylar bags are the ideal storage solution for protecting valuable printed paper articles like books, magazines, journals, diaries and periodicals.

It’s a little-known fact that some of the world’s most valuable and important paper documents are stored in Mylar bags. Mylar is used for archive storage by prestigious institutions including Michigan State University (MSU) and the Library of Congress, which is the largest library in the world by shelf space and number of books. The Library of Congress holds the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence and one of only 4 known examples of a perfect Gutenberg Bible, amongst over 61 million other documents, and 32 million books and other printed materials.

Mylar bags are becoming increasingly popular for paper storage with smaller libraries and archives, as well as private and institutional collectors of all manner of paper documents, from private comic book collectors, to large archive storage companies.

Mylar bags protect paper from heat and cold, light, moisture and pests, all of which can cause physical damage over time. They’re also very light and easy to store, inexpensive compared to other storage methods, and easily opened and resealed for access.

With the price of comic books continuing to increase throughout the last decade, deterioration of your collection due to poor storage could prove to be not only an emotional, but also a financial loss. Using Mylar bags, often with oxygen absorbers, allows you the peace of mind of knowing that your precious collection is stored in the safest way possible. It also allows you to store your paper collection in places that you would not be able to store them in otherwise, such as lofts, attics and basements, which are often damp and dusty. This frees up space in other areas of your home.

Mylar bags aren’t just suitable for storing comics of course. Other examples of paper and printed documents that can be successfully stored in Mylar include books, magazines, periodicals, journals, diaries, tickets, trading cards, school reports, certificates, postcards, legal documents, such as house deeds or building plans, stickers, letters, catalogues, reports, leaflets, programmes, greetings cards, pamphlets, prints, lithographs and illustrations. Here at Mylar Shop we sell bags to fit all sizes of standard paper, whether they be A10 to A4 or even larger. You can find a bag here for all international paper sizes.

Check out the Full Range of Mylar Bags sold in Mylar Shop!

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