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Using Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers

15 November, 2023

Using Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers

Mylar is a metallised polyester film developed in the 1950s. Among its many qualities are reflectivity and gas and aroma barrier protection, making it perfect for storage. Mylar can be thought of as a metallic film that blocks light and air, protecting the contents and providing barrier protection from the external environment. Mylar bags are madeContinue reading "Using Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers"

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Clothing and Shoe Storage Using Mylar BagsClothing and Shoe Storage Using Mylar Bags

15 November, 2023

Clothing and Shoe Storage Using Mylar Bags

Mylar bags are an excellent way to store clothing and shoes long-term. Mylar bags create a relatively constant internal environment, protecting your clothing from odours such as cooking smells, tobacco or other smoke, from moisture in the air and from airborne bacteria and fungi. They’re perfect for anyone who needs to store clothing for any length of time,Continue reading "Clothing and Shoe Storage Using Mylar Bags"

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Camping, Hiking, Mountaineering and Outdoor AdventuresCamping, hiking, mountaineering and outdoor adventures

15 November, 2023

Camping, Hiking, Mountaineering and Outdoor Adventures

Active outdoor pursuits are a great way to keep fit, have fun and learn about the world around us. Whether you’re camping for a few days on a campsite, or embarking on an expedition to a remote location, it’s important to be well prepared. Weather conditions can change rapidly. It’s always a good idea toContinue reading "Camping, Hiking, Mountaineering and Outdoor Adventures"

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Storing Magazines, Comics, Sports Programmes, Postcards and BooksSelect Storing magazines, comics, sports programmes, postcards and books Storing magazines, comics, sports programmes, postcards and books

15 November, 2023

Storing Magazines, Comics, Sports Programmes, Postcards and Books

Mylar bags are the ideal storage solution for protecting valuable printed paper articles like books, magazines, journals, diaries and periodicals. It’s a little-known fact that some of the world’s most valuable and important paper documents are stored in Mylar bags. Mylar is used for archive storage by prestigious institutions including Michigan State University (MSU) and the LibraryContinue reading "Storing Magazines, Comics, Sports Programmes, Postcards and Books"

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Uses for Mylar Bags and Oxygen AbsorbersUses for Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers

15 November, 2023

Uses for Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers

Since being developed in the 1950s, Mylar has been used in hundreds of applications, from hot air balloon satellites launched into space, to film bags used to keep coffee fresh. Below is an excellent film from 1955 about the physical, chemical, thermal and electrical resistance of the new wonder material Mylar: Mylar has been utilisedContinue reading "Uses for Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers"

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